
From the tiniest single-celled organisms to the giants that roam the Earth, the animal kingdom is one that fascinates us all. Every day we learn more about the creatures we share the planet with, all 1.5 million-plus of them, and that's just the ones we have discovered so far. Whether we keep them as pets, eat them for food or study them for science, our relationship with animals is complex, but is part of the very nature of what makes us human.

Try not to laugh at these 30 Comedy Pet Photography award finalists

Come and take a peek at some of the hilarious finalists for this year's Comedy Pet Photography Awards.

Why do cats wiggle before pouncing?

Cats often shake their moneymakers pre-pounce. But why?

Nature’s weirdest: Burmese narrow-headed softshell turtle

Here's how scientists in China are trying to save the weirdest turtle in the world.

Does my dog love me? Here’s how to know for sure

Sure, they wag their tails to greet us and are happy to snuggle up and watch TV in the evening, but are our beloved pooches actually experiencing the same love for us as we feel for them?

What is a fairy ring?

With fungi, there's a lot going on beneath the surface.

Here's how life would actually mutate after nuclear fallout

Don’t expect ghouls or radroaches in a real nuclear apocalypse.

Is it true that gorillas are permanently flatulent?

Better out than in, right?

Nature's weirdest: The Spanish Dancer

It feeds on marine snow – and has a see-through digestive tract.

Why camel milk could soon become the world’s most essential drink

The future of food and drink could have a few humps in the road.

What caused the Great Sheep Panic?

Experts, much like the sheep, are still baa-ffled.

Can you smell ants?

Expert advice: Don't stick your nose in an ants nest.

If conditions on Earth changed, is it possible dinosaurs could evolve again? Would life… find a way?

*Jurassic Park fans lean in closer*

Millions of donkeys are being killed to make medicine that doesn’t work

The demand for ejiao, a traditional Chinese medicine made from donkey skins, has risen dramatically over recent years.

The strangest animal behaviour to expect during April's solar eclipse

Steer clear of any giraffes or giant tortoises on 8 April. But do keep an eye on your pooch.

Billions of cicadas will soon emerge across the US. Will their pee be a problem?

These hummingbird-sized bugs can spray urine three times faster than a human.

Is it true you’re always within 6 feet of a rat?

We’ve all heard it before, but are you really only ever six feet from a rat?

The top 10 strangest animal eggs you’ll ever see

You might not enjoy this Easter treat...

Godzilla vs. Kong: Here's who'd actually win in a fight, according to science

Vertebrate zoologist Darren Naish uses what we know about primates and reptiles in the real world to declare a real winner.

If my brain was in my stomach, would I 'think from my stomach'?

Is what we think with the same as where we think from?

What is the deadliest creature in the UK?

Man’s best friend? Yeah, right.

Nature’s weirdest: This honking hammerhead bat has the world’s strangest nostrils

Meet the honking bat that looks like a cross between a horse and Yoda.

A dazzling new side of nature: The 20 best photos of British wildlife 2024

Take a look at this amazing set of images from the latest British Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition.