Charlotte Corney

Recent articles by Charlotte Corney

Do ostriches really bury their head in the sand?

Asked by: Vanessa Fisher, Plymouth

Do any other animals have sex for pleasure?

Asked by: Bill Strudwick, via email

How do baby birds breathe inside their eggs?

A cracking good question. Clever egg-ineering (groans) creates a type of lung tissue between the chick and outside.

What noise does a giraffe make?

The long-necked beauties do make some sounds to communicate with each other and may even talk in their sleep. Awww.

What evolutionary advantage did snakes gain by losing their legs?

Smooth and slippery, the debate on serpents losing their legs depends on whether you believe they were originally water or land dwellers.

Do animals get embarrassed?

Put the doggy bee costume down! Embarrassment may not be the emotion our furry companions are really feeling.

If bats are blind, why do they have eyes?

Batman got it wrong.

Why do elephants have such wrinkly skin?

No anti-wrinkle creams here, the elephant's complex set of wrinkles are beneficial for them.

Why do lions have manes?

The big cats' luscious locks are attractive to females, indicating sexual and physical strength.

Where do birds sleep?

Multiple strategies to minimise predation for our feathery friends.

Can cats smile?

Are you happy to see me or is that the 'flehmen response'?

Why are pigeons such a successful city bird?

Turns out cliffs and tall buildings have a lot in common to the humble pigeon.

Do guide dogs know that their master is blind?

Not quite a case of the blind leading the blind, but...

Why do dogs tilt their head when you speak to them?

A dog might have a greater range of hearing, but it's not as accurate.

Would seagulls exist without humans?

Although often seen as a nuisance, they would probably be much better off without us.  

Do any other animals play music?

There is little wonder that the 1970 album Songs Of The Humpback Whale went multi-platinum.

Why are cats scared of cucumbers?

Once you know why you'll stop trying to terrify your poor cat...

Why do slugs and snails produce a silver trail?

Slime makes for an excellent lubricant, and bizarrely also glue!

Why do giraffes have purple tongues?

Just when you thought this lanky creature couldn't get any odder...

Do birds wee?

“It’s pee, Jim, but not as we know it…”

Do dogs recognise their own breeds?

Hey there! You look awfully familiar…

Do animals go through puberty?

It seems puberty, in some form or another, is a shared and necessary evil across the whole animal kingdom.

Are any dog breeds close to becoming a new species?

Despite their radically different appearances, all domestic dogs are still genetically the same species.

How does trophy hunting affect wild animal populations?

It may help raise funds for conservation efforts, but this controversial practice also removes the strongest, healthiest members from the gene pool.