Tom Howarth

Tom is trends editor at BBC Science Focus. He obtained an MPhil degree in advanced chemical engineering from the University of Cambridge, where he conducted research into amyloid protein folding using fluorescent lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM). Before joining BBC Science Focus, Tom worked as a science communicator at the European Southern Observatory and has previously written GreenBiz and Geographical Magazine too. Today, he covers all types of trending science stories, from ecology to epidemiology, chemistry to computer science.

Recent articles by Tom Howarth

Inside the race to stop a deadly new strain of sexually transmitted monkeypox

New data suggests the virulent strain is now being sexually transmitted.

Nukes in space: Why a very very stupid idea just became more likely

Fears of a Cold War nightmare are resurfacing.

Here's how life would actually mutate after nuclear fallout

Don’t expect ghouls or radroaches in a real nuclear apocalypse.

Bird flu has now jumped to cows - and their milk. Could humans be next?

The WHO chief scientist says the spread is of “enormous concern”.

NASA’s bold new ‘solar sail’ mission could unlock interstellar travel

Next stop: Alpha Centauri?

Why camel milk could soon become the world’s most essential drink

The future of food and drink could have a few humps in the road.

'Alien aurora’ may have been spotted on nearby failed star

This nearby brown dwarf doesn't shine with fusion light, but may have found a way to put on a dazzling display of its own.

Earthshine tonight: How to see April's stunning Moon event

This April, the Moon is the gift that keeps on giving.

Why it's harder to shed weight as you get older (and how to fight it)

Could these brain receptors be responsible for middle-aged weight gain?

The strangest animal behaviour to expect during April's solar eclipse

Steer clear of any giraffes or giant tortoises on 8 April. But do keep an eye on your pooch.

You’re not actually addicted to your smartphone. Here's why

Not all social media is unhealthy – here's how to rethink your (and your children’s) relationship with it.

New microbiome breakthrough could be key to fighting obesity

Researchers have more than a gut feeling about how to prevent weight gain in the not-so-distant future.

Billions of cicadas will soon emerge across the US. Will their pee be a problem?

These hummingbird-sized bugs can spray urine three times faster than a human.

Everest-sized ‘Devil comet’ tonight: How to see the once-in-a-lifetime 2024 event

The 'unused building block of the Solar System' is hurtling towards the Sun, leaving behind a trail of dust and gas. If you’re lucky, you might just catch a glimpse.

Clocks going forward 2024: When and why do the clocks change in the UK?

For those in the UK, the dreaded night is back – prepare to lose a precious hour of slumber.

Stunning new image of black hole at centre of our galaxy revealed

The groundbreaking image shows a strong magnetic field spiralling at the edge of Sagittarius A*.

Auroras tonight: How to spot the 2024 northern lights

A massive solar storm is set to create a spectacular light show tonight, possibly as far south as the midwest US.

Spring equinox 2024 today: Exactly what and when is it?

Time to shrug off the winter cobwebs and finally start venturing outside again.

The 4 biggest findings from the major new UN climate report

It was another record-breaking year for the climate in 2023. But there is still hope, scientists say.

Time-restricted eating linked to 91 per cent higher risk of cardiovascular death

Perhaps it's time to stop skipping breakfast. 

Why you’re not actually addicted to your phone

Not all social media is unhealthy – here's how to rethink your relationship to it.

COVID, 4 years on: 9 most surprising lessons from the pandemic

It’s been exactly four years since the official declaration of the COVID pandemic. What do we know now that we didn’t before?