
Plants are one of the kingdoms of life, and they are everywhere, from the grass and flowers in our gardens, to the trees and shrubs of the woodland, to the vines and carnivorous plants of the rainforest. Plants provide us with our fruits and vegetables, and of course coffee and chocolate! They are a vital part of our food chain, providing food for herbivores, often in return for pollination. Plants provide more than just food for us: they photosynthesise, producing the very oxygen that we breathe.

Here's how life would actually mutate after nuclear fallout

Don’t expect ghouls or radroaches in a real nuclear apocalypse.

How do peanuts grow?

Peanuts have an alias: Ground nuts. And here’s how they got it.

The strange science behind the 'rainbow' tree

This stunning, brightly coloured tree has neon stripes running along its trunk making it look as if it has been painted.

Why scientists are now racing to stop a mass plant extinction

The race is on to document and protect the world’s plant and fungi species... and everything is at stake if we lose.

The world’s largest pumpkin is ridiculously large… But is far from its biological limit

Pumpkins keep getting bigger thanks to time spent in cell division, specialised tissue, and selective breeding.

What is guttation?

The build-up of water inside plants is released via sap through specialist pores in the leaf.

Nature’s weirdest: This (ugly) shampoo ginger lily plant can make your hair look beautiful

The staggering benefits of the house plant, explained.

Plants let out secret high-pitch screams when stressed

They sound a bit like bubble wrap being popped, apparently.

Vertical farming: Why stacking crops high could be the future of agriculture

It drastically reduces the space needed to grow crops.

Why do trees have such shallow root systems?

A tree's feeder roots are often found in the top 20-30cm of the ground.

Photosynthesis: What is it and how does it work?

Photosynthesis is essential for almost all life, and it’s the primary source of oxygen in the atmosphere.

What is watermelon snow?

It's also known as blood snow, pink snow, or red snow.

Climate change is turning the European Alps from white to green

The Alps are experiencing a 'greening', where climate change has caused a loss of snow and Alpine habitats which has allowed non-native species to thrive.

Lichens, with Kerry Knudsen

Lichenologist Kerry Knudsen joins us on our podcasts, Instant Genius and Instant Genius Extra.