This bizarre quantum theory could finally explain how our Universe began

Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of the 'inflation field'.

Photo credit: Getty

Published: March 2, 2024 at 8:00 am

In the grand tapestry of the cosmos, there exists a hidden language. It's a symphony of vibrations that orchestrates everything from the motion of particles to the birth of stars – and perhaps even the elusive dark matter that makes up most of the mass centred in all galaxies.

This language is known as quantum field theory, and it is one of the most elegant and precise concepts in all of science.

To understand the basic idea, imagine the interaction between two magnets, each exerting a force on the other without physical contact. This ethereal connection can be explained by the existence of a magnetic field – a concept fundamental to our understanding of the world around us.


But delve deeper into the realm of quantum field theory, and you'll discover that fields give rise to much more than magnetic attraction. For those brave enough to make their way through the complex labyrinth of equations and calculations a vital revelation arises – all forces and matter are manifestations of the continuous motion of quantum fields.

But how can such seemingly abstract concepts exist within the fabric of reality? To answer this question, we must journey back to the dawn of the 20th century, to a time when physicists first embarked on the quest to unite two of the most successful theories in science – quantum mechanics, the physics of the very small, and relativity, the physics of the very large.

When attempting this feat, a number of paradoxes quickly emerged. Among them, the conundrum that arises when attempting to reconcile Einstein’s famous equation E=mc² with the principles that underlie quantum physics.

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For example, according to the tenets of quantum mechanics, it is not possible for a lone electron to spontaneously split up into a multitude of electrons. The exact reasoning is complex and may seem incredibly counter-intuitive, but essentially quantum mechanics is underpinned by probability – and the probability of all possible outcomes of a particle’s behaviour must always sum to 100 per cent.

For instance, according to the strange tenets of quantum mechanics – where probabilities and possibilities play a bigger role than our everyday intuition – it is not possible for a lone electron to spontaneously split up into a multitude of electrons. An electron may appear to exist in multiple states at once, but this doesn’t actually mean multiple electrons have been spawned.

This mind-bending law is known as the principle of Unitarity.

However, according to special relativity, matter may change into energy and vice versa, as Einstein’s equation states. This means that the more energy that is available in a system, the more matter it can create. And so, according to special relativity, it is possible for an electron to obtain additional energy and split into many more. So, what’s the solution?

Cosmic vibrations

It turns out that this paradox can be explained by considering the vibrations of quantum fields. Let’s think of the electron as a field that can resonate with myriad frequencies, much like the strings of a guitar.

In this case, each quantum vibration of the electron field can be associated with the creation of a new electron. Thus, from the subtle harmonies of quantum vibrations, new particles can be created.

But our story does not end there. In fact, it goes all the way back to the beginning of the Universe itself and the birth of all matter within it.

In its earliest stages, the Universe went through a period of extremely rapid accelerated expansion triggered by something known as cosmic inflation. This resulted in the Universe’s growth from the microscopic scale to the vast cosmos we see today.

Again, this can be explained using quantum field theory, with the driving force of the expansion being created by a phenomenon known as the inflation field. It’s not a concept fully understood by scientists, but we know that quantum fluctuations in this mysterious ‘inflation field’ triggered the formation of galaxies, stars and even the very fabric of spacetime itself. So how did this occur?

The growth of the Universe

Imagine the early Universe as a blank canvas filled with potential energy. It is here that the inflation field began to undergo quantum fluctuations on an unimaginable scale.

These fluctuations, akin to the gentlest of breezes disturbing the calm surface of a pond, propagated throughout the cosmos, leaving in their wake the gravitational seeds of cosmic structure.

This occurred as the tiny quantum fluctuations born from that strange driving expanding force in the Universe, the inflation field, led to a clumping of energy condensing into matter. And it's these different pieces of matter that eventually merged, evolving into the vast network of galaxies and galaxy clusters we observe today.

Through sophisticated pen and pencil calculations of quantum field theory combined with Einstein’s theory of gravity, along with cutting-edge computational techniques, scientists have been able to unravel the intricate interplay between quantum fields and the growth of the cosmos.

This work has helped them to shed light on the origins of the Universe itself and the inflation field’s role as its silent architect.

Today, the work of the inflation field’s hand can still be seen in the vast array of cosmic structures that make up the Universe, including the very galaxy, Solar System and planet that we call home.

All of the celestial marvels that adorn the night sky emerged from the primordial soup of quantum fluctuations vibrating within the inflation field. This is surely a testament to the enduring success of quantum field theory and its role in our quest to understand the cosmos.

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