Aarathai Prasad

Recent articles by Aarathai Prasad

Could mosquitoes deliver malaria vaccines?

While the idea of using an army of mosquitos to administer vaccines has been considered, we would first need to find a vaccine for malaria.

When did humans first make music?

Our ancestors may have been singing tunes for as long as they were able to speak.

Are chin dimples hereditary?

You can thank the shuffling of your genes for that pesky shaving spot.

Why did the Neanderthals go extinct?

Although we are descended from Neanderthals, the species does not exist today – it might help the future of homo-sapiens to understand why.

Are birthmarks hereditary?

Babies are often born with blemishes and there are a variety of causes for these marks.

Why don’t slugs have shells?

Snails are shell-fishly hoarding all the shells.

Why aren’t DNA tests 100 per cent accurate?

Upon finding out the genetics tests aren't always 100% accurate the entirety of the chat shows guest list shuddered in relief.

Could we clone a Neanderthal?

The Neanderthal, also known as homo neanderthalensis, could be up for making a come-back.

Do any other animals get male pattern baldness?

Around 50% of human males will be afflicted with pattern hair loss by the time they are 50 years old.

What is the dodo’s closest living relative?

So, just exactly who ISN'T dead as a dodo...

Which life form has the biggest genome?

The genome contains an organism’s genetic material, but being bigger doesn’t necessarily mean that you have the most DNA.