Christian Jarrett

Christian Jarrett

Dr Christian Jarrett is a cognitive neuroscientist, science writer and author. He is the Editor of Psyche, the sister magazine to Aeon that illuminates the human condition through psychology, philosophy and the arts. Jarrett also created the British Psychological Society's Research Digest blog and was the first ever staff journalist on the Society's magazine, The Psychologist. He is author of Great Myths of The Brain and Be Who You Want: Unlocking the Science of Personality Change.

Recent articles by Christian Jarrett

Why do we pick favourites?'

This explains why you absolutely have to have pasta for dinner at least twice a week.

'Active' optimists live longer, happier lives. Here's how to become one

Is manifestation pure pseudoscience or could there be something to it?

Why is it so difficult to ask for help?

It’s a 'don’t ask, don’t get' world out there.

Why do we like collecting things?

No need to chuck away the stamps just yet.

How do I stop taking things personally?

Try not to take it to heart.

What is the reminiscence bump?

Were your teenage years really the best of your life?

Why am I always running late?

You'll never miss the bus again.

What is decision paralysis and how do I deal with it?

You'll never be stuck deciding which washing detergent to buy ever again.

The 6 best habits to keep your brain fit as you age, according to neuroscience

What can you do to stave off cognitive decline? Neuroscientist Christian Jarrett explains the six habits that can keep your grey matter fit.

Is it really better to hope for the best, but brace for the worst?

Being optimistic really can be self-fulfilling.

This headset will let you control your dreams, Inception-style. Here’s what to know before you lose track of reality

A US start-up is working on a headband designed to induce lucid dreams. But will it work and is it safe to use?

Here’s what makes your emotions more infectious to others

Can your friend catch your bad mood, or can your partner infect you with happy one?

Early risers and night owls: A neuroscientist explains who is happiest

Does early to bed and early to rise really make you healthy, wealthy and wise?

4 simple, science-backed ways to build habits that stick

Baby steps can make a big difference.

4 simple ways to finally stop catastrophising, explained by a psychologist

Catastrophe-filled thoughts are common and unpleasant. Here are some tips to manage them if they get out of hand...

Here’s why you’re terrible at making new habits - and how to finally make them stick

Our lives are filled with habitual behaviours, both good and bad, but how do they form and how can we build better ones?

Why we need to stop stigmatising borderline personality disorder

Despite being recognised by psychiatrists for decades, the condition remains misunderstood and undertreated.

Anemoia: Why am I nostalgic for a time I didn’t know or a place I’ve never been?

Do you find yourself longing for the magic of yesteryear, even when you’ve not been there yourself? You’re not alone - a psychologist explains why.

Why do I self-sabotage so much?

Actions which hurt your chance of success can come from low self-esteem – here are a few tips to break the habit.

Power posing can make you feel more confident. But not for the reasons you might think

Does your body language shape who you are? A psychologist explains.

The ultimate anxiety guide: The 6 biggest questions about worrying, answered by a psychologist

Here are the simple, science-backed ways of reframing your inner-demons.

Why some people feel no shame, according to a psychologist

Remorseless is an essential part our species – and works as a social superpower to many.