Dr Michelle Griffin

Dr Michelle Griffin, director of MFG Health Consulting, is a women's health expert and strategy advisor in women's health tech. She helps develop, grow and diversify their women's health offering. She has nearly 20 years of experience in women's health as an obstetrician and gynaecologist and clinical leader in the NHS, Public Health England and the World Health Organisation.

Recent articles by Dr Michelle Griffin

Here’s what all women should actually know about egg freezing

Women have a finite number of eggs in their ovaries. Is preserving them a way to have children when they're older?

The hidden crisis in women’s bone health – and how to protect yours

There are now three osteoporosis fractures a second worldwide.

Morning sickness cure: Inside the breakthrough that could soon end pregnancy nausea

Scientists have made a key discovery that could unravel the mystery of morning sickness.

Women’s sexual desire is widely misrepresented, here’s what we actually know

Better education and awareness of one of our most basic needs is an often overlooked field of research.