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Sir David Attenborough returns for The Blue Planet II

New series of the epic underwater series returns to BBC One later this year with the veteran broadcaster lending his familiar voice.

Published: February 20, 2017 at 2:00 pm

Hot on the heels of Planet Earth II, Britain’s much-loved naturalist Sir David Attenborough will return to our screens later this year to narrate the sequel to 2001’s epic BBC series The Blue Planet.

Last time we witnessed brawling lobsters, plucky penguins and, of course, wonderful whales, and this time we can expect more incredible videos of the world beneath the deepblue sea. Shot over the course of four years across all the world’s oceans and continents, the new series of Blue Planet 2 uses new, cutting-edge camera techniques to film creatures ranging from Hoff crabs (named after David Hasselhoff no less), tool-using tusk fish, to a sperm whale and her calf in search for food. They are also the first to take manned submersibles 1,000m below the Antarctic.

“I am truly thrilled to be joining this new exploration of the underwater worlds which cover most of our planet, yet are still its least known,” says Sir David Attenborough.

© BBC/Hugh Miller
© BBC/Hugh Miller

The seven-part series will return to BBC One later in the year, but if you just can’t wait until then, read our interview with Sir David Attenborough on his 90th birthday, check out our how they filmed Planet Earth II or watch some of the highlights from the original series of The Blue Planet below:

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