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'Space hurricane' observed above the North Pole

The space hurricane was detected in the Earth's upper atmosphere and 'rained electrons' over the North Pole for nearly eight hours.

Published: March 2, 2021 at 11:00 am

Scientists say they have confirmed the existence of space hurricanes after analysing a 1,000km-wide swirling mass of plasma spotted hundreds of kilometres above the North Pole.

The space hurricane, observed by satellites in the Earth’s upper atmosphere, was raining electrons instead of water. It spun in an anticlockwise direction and lasted nearly eight hours before breaking down.

These events would be expected to lead to important space weather effects and disruption to GPS systems, scientists found.

The observed hurricane, which occurred during a period of low geomagnetic activity in 2014, could be one of many happening within our Solar System and beyond.

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A team of scientists, led by Shandong University in China, analysed observations made by satellites in August 2014 and created a 3D image of the hurricane in the Earth’s ionosphere.

The findings, which were published in Nature Communications, confirmed the existence of space hurricanes, which had not been detected before. They also reproduced the event’s main features and explained its formation.

Professor Mike Lockwood, space scientist at the University of Reading, said the hurricanes could be a universal phenomenon at planets and moons with magnetic fields and plasma.

“Until now, it was uncertain that space plasma hurricanes even existed," said Lockwood. "So to prove this with such a striking observation is incredible.

“Tropical storms are associated with huge amounts of energy, and these space hurricanes must be created by unusually large and rapid transfer of solar wind energy and charged particles into the Earth’s upper atmosphere.

“Plasma and magnetic fields in the atmosphere of planets exist throughout the Universe, so the findings suggest space hurricanes should be a widespread phenomenon.”

The space hurricane was found to share many features with hurricanes in the Earth’s lower atmosphere, including a quiet centre, multiple spiral arms and widespread circulation.

The scientists said the hurricanes open a rapid energy transfer channel from space to the ionosphere and thermosphere and would be expected to lead to important space weather effects such as increased satellite drag, disturbances in high frequency radio communications and increased errors in over-the-horizon radar location, satellite navigation and communication systems.

The team said the process may also be important for the interaction between interstellar winds and other solar systems throughout the Universe.

Reader Q&A: Can planes be used to stop hurricanes?

Asked by: Anonymous

Hurricanes can cause hundreds of deaths and billions of pounds’ worth of damage. But scientists at the University of Akron in Ohio have patented a possible way of dealing with them. Their plan involves flying jet fighters into the eye of the storm to disrupt the delicate airflow and pressure causing the ferocious winds.

The Supersonic Hurricane Neutraliser plan is still on the drawing board, but in theory it would work something like this: two F-4 jet fighters, flying at a speed of Mach 1.5, would fly into the hurricane’s eye – the calm part at the centre of the storm. The sonic boom produced by the jets would raise the air pressure inside the eye, which would disrupt the upward flow of warm air that gives the storm its power, thus bringing the storm to an end.

Trials are planned which it is hoped could show that only one jet fighter is needed to disrupt a storm. Now all they have to do is find some pilots prepared to make the flight.

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