
Deemed as man’s best friend, the Dog is a species that has become part of many families. Dogs, members of the genus Canis, have been domesticated for over 10000 years and form a large part of human’s lives. Generally a dog's intelligence and obedience allows it to be easily trained, this characteristic has allowed dogs to take on roles to help our society, such as guide, rescue and police dogs. Depending on your definition, there are about 340 breeds of dog, the most popular of these include Retrievers, German Shepherd dogs and Bulldogs.

The strangest animal behaviour to expect during April's solar eclipse

Steer clear of any giraffes or giant tortoises on 8 April. But do keep an eye on your pooch.

What is the deadliest creature in the UK?

Man’s best friend? Yeah, right.

Time with dogs could help improve your concentration, study finds

Need another excuse to hang out with your hound? Here’s one: scientists have now shown it increases the power of your brain waves.

Study finally reveals which dogs live the longest

How long can we expect our floofy best friends to be with us? The results are in.

Why does my dog give me side eye?

Dogs showing the whites of their eyes – side eye – is a behavioural quirk our ancestors may have inadvertently bred for during domestication.

The (adorable) science of how dogs use ‘puppy eyes’ to influence humans

Inside the strange evolutionary tale of how our pooches learned to better bond with humans.

Here’s what diet your dog really needs to stay healthy, according to science

There’s a dizzying number of choices for what to feed your pooch – but what's best?

6 simple ways to instantly improve your dog’s life, according to science

A steak? A permanent place on the sofa? On open car window to lean out of during a long drive? What's most likely to make your dog jump for joy?

The (completely adorable) ways dogs know exactly how you’re feeling

Ever get the feeling your dog knows what you’re thinking? It might be because they’re picking up on cues you didn’t realise you were transmitting.

Secrets of the butt sniff: The hidden data dogs gather during a canine handshake

Dogs will happily put their noses in some unpleasant places. So what are they expecting to find out from them?

What is the mirror test?

This self-recognition test has been conducted on humans as well as animals.

The strange reasons your dog eats grass (and poop)

Don't pretend like your pup hasn't done it.

What's the longest a dog can live for?

It's a dog's life, but how long it lasts depends on a number of factors, including size and breed.