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The Scientific Guide To Your Future Life

In the latest issue from the Focus Magazine Collection, we take a look at the big tech trends and innovations that will change the way you live tomorrow and in years to come.

Published: July 26, 2018 at 8:26 am

Anyone remember Zip drives? If you’re old enough to recall the floppy disk (yes, youngsters, the ‘save’ icon was once a physical object), you may also remember wishing that they held more than 1.4MB of data. Then in the mid-1990s, the Zip drive came along, with its whopping 100MB per disk. It was soon superseded by the more flexible flash drive that pops in and out of a USB port.

How about pagers? Back in the 20th Century, the seemingly impossible dream of being able to contact somebody at any time, no matter where they were, became a reality. Gone are the days of us all using those basic beeping/vibrating devices (now reserved for doctors only). Smartphones rule – at least for the time being. One day, there may be no need for smartphones as separate devices, instead we’ll have gadgets integrated into our heads and hands. That’s how it works with technology – our world just keeps getting smarter and more streamlined.

In the latest issue from theFocus Magazine Collection, we take a look at the big tech trends and innovations that will change the way you live tomorrow and in years to come. We reveal howtech will infiltrate your home – whether that’s on Earth or another planet like Mars,investigatethe big breakthroughs that could one day eradicate diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s,and takeyou on the ultimate journey – unlike the humble pager, jetpacks and flying cars are the future.

Order your copy for only £9.99 with FREE UK postage if you are a UK subscriber to BBC Focus Magazine, £11.49 for non-subscribers (EUR £12.99, ROW £13.49) –click hereor call 03330162138.

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