Why does my belly button smell? A doctor explains

GP Dr Nish Manek explains the (extremely gross) science behind stinky navels – and what you can do about the problem.

Do animals that swallow their food whole, perceive taste?

Do animals that swallow their food whole, perceive taste?Apparently so, though not how you might think.

What’s the weirdest doping method at the Tour de France?

Cyclists are fishing for a way to win the world's most prestigious bike race.

How did life on Earth begin?

Earth is unlike any planet we know by virtue of hosting a rich variety of life. But experts are still unsure what got it started.

Does having children actually make you happy? A neuroscientist explains

Some parents say having kids is the best thing they've ever done... others would quite like some time to themselves. So, overall, does having kids make you happier?

If you shot a bullet straight up, how far would it travel?

Best not to try this experiment at home…

Why does my cat love sitting on my laptop?

How your cat's annoying keyboard-lounging habit is part of its ploy to possess your house.

Scientifically, what’s the best way to cut a sandwich?

Or are you a sandwich renegade who opts for eating the thing whole?

What does dying feel like? A doctor explains what we know

While we don’t know if anything happens afterwards, we do know exactly what happens in the moments leading up the end. Dr Kathryn Mannix leads you through the last few steps on your body’s journey.

Why you're stroking your cat completely wrong (and how to do it right)

Fun fact: your cat probably hates the way you're currently petting them.

Why do we pick favourites?'

This explains why you absolutely have to have pasta for dinner at least twice a week.

How close are we to having tractor beams, like in Star Trek?

Beam me up, Scotty.