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Is 5G dangerous?

5G uses higher frequency radio waves, a type of electromagnetic radiation, which are within the spectrum considered safe.

Asked by: Shammyco, via Twitter

The upcoming fifth generation of mobile networks, 5G, will use higher frequency radio waves than its predecessor, 4G. The new 5G will enable nearly 20 times faster data transfer than 4G.

Radio waves are electromagnetic radiation. The higher the frequency of this radiation, the more energy is transferred, and the more potential it has to harm our bodies. Ultraviolet rays from the Sun are high-frequency and can be dangerous. X-rays and gamma rays even more so.

On the safer side of the spectrum, infrared radiation is lower frequency than visible light, microwaves even lower, and radio communication waves lower still – meaning less energy, and less potential to cause harm. 5G radio waves will have a maximum frequency of 86GHz, which is within the radio spectrum and is hence considered safe.

Scientists have stated that the link between 5G and the coronavirus outbreak is "complete rubbish" and biologically impossible.

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