
Our place in the Universe is but the tiniest speck on the map of all known matter. We're out there, floating around in the big, wide mystery that is space.

Here’s how we're understanding the origins of the first stars in the Universe

Looking back deeper into spacetime is revealing the secrets of the Universe’s formation.

How close are we to having tractor beams, like in Star Trek?

Beam me up, Scotty.

The Dark Universe: Why we're about to solve the biggest mystery in science

A researcher searching for the missing part in our theory of matter reveals how we'll find it.

Satellite gridlock: How Earth’s orbital space could soon reach breaking point

What goes up, must come down.

Why does Jupiter spin so fast?

It's our Solar System's largest planet, and also the dizziest.

Auroras tonight: How to see stunning Northern Lights sparked by giant solar storm

A severe solar storm is set to create a spectacular light show tonight and over the weekend.

Earthshine tonight: How to see May's otherworldly Moon event

All you need to know about the mesmerising lunar phenomenon.

Is the Moon shrinking?

A receding Moon will (eventually) have severe consequences for Earth.

Nukes in space: Why a very very stupid idea just became more likely

Fears of a Cold War nightmare are resurfacing.

What are odd radio circles?

They could be the throats of wormholes.

NASA’s bold new ‘solar sail’ mission could unlock interstellar travel

Next stop: Alpha Centauri?