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The mice of the London Underground win the Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2019 LUMIX People's Choice Award

The winning photos range from the hilarious to the heart-breaking.

Published: February 13, 2020 at 12:00 am

The Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition reached its 55th year in 2019, showcasing the very best pictures of the natural world. The subjects range from hilarious to heart-breaking, always giving us a peek into the lives of animals around the world.

The grand title winner of 2019's competition was Yongqing Bao for his photograph 'The Moment’ showing a Himalayan marmot being surprised by a predator. See the full gallery of winners here.

While the grand title is chosen by an international jury of photography experts, fans of wildlife can have their say in the LUMIX People's Choice Award.

Wildlife Photographer of the Year is developed and produced by the Natural History Museum, London. The exhibition is on display at the museum until 31 May 2020.

Take a look at the public's favourite wildlife photos from the 2019 competition below.

See more beautiful wildlife photos here:

Station squabble - Sam Rowley, UK

© Sam Rowley/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
© Sam Rowley/Wildlife Photographer of the Year

LUMIX People's Choice Award Winner

Sam discovered the best way to photograph the mice inhabiting London’s Underground was to lie on the platform and wait. He only saw them fight over scraps of food dropped by passengers a few times, possibly because it is so abundant. This fight lasted a split second, before one grabbed a crumb and they went their separate ways.

Spot the reindeer - Francis De Andres, Spain

© Francis De Andres/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
© Francis De Andres/Wildlife Photographer of the Year

LUMIX People's Choice Award Highly commended

The conditions for photographing at the Norwegian archipelago Svalbard are extreme, but wildlife has adapted to the environment and its freezing temperatures. Francis found this composition of white arctic reindeer, which were observing him, both curious and charming.

Losing the fight - Aaron Gekoski, UK

© Aaron Gekoski/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
© Aaron Gekoski/Wildlife Photographer of the Year

LUMIX People's Choice Award Highly commended

Orangutans have been used in degrading performances at Safari World, Bangkok – and many other locations – for decades. The shows were temporarily stopped in 2004 due to international pressure, but today the shows continue – twice a day, every day – with hundreds of people paying to watch the orangutans box, dance, play the drums and more.

Matching outfits - Michel Zoghzoghi, Lebanon

© Michel Zoghzoghi/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
© Michel Zoghzoghi/Wildlife Photographer of the Year

LUMIX People's Choice Award Highly commended

Michel was in the Pantanal, Brazil photographing jaguars. One afternoon, as he was on the Três Irmãos River, a mother and her cub crossed right in front of his boat. He watched mesmerised as they left the water holding an anaconda with a very similar pattern to their own.

The surrogate mother - Martin Buzora, Canada

© Martin Buzora/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
© Martin Buzora/Wildlife Photographer of the Year

LUMIX People's Choice Award Highly commended

Elias Mugambi is a ranger at Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in northern Kenya. He often spends weeks away from his family caring for orphaned black rhinos like Kitui here. The young rhinos are in the sanctuary as aresult of poaching or because their mothers are blind and cannot care for them safely in the wild.