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Nudge theory – David Halpern

David Halpern, Chief Executive of The Behavioural Insights Team, tells us about nudge theory – a psychological tool used in behavioural science to subtly influence people's decisions.

Published: April 3, 2018 at 11:00 pm

How much differencecan a small change make? When it comes to changing habits, convincing someone to do something or affecting the behaviour of people without them even knowing about it, quite a lot,as we have seen with the recent Facebook scandal, where data firm Cambridge Analytica used personal datainfluence the way people vote.

In this week's Science Focus Podcast,BBC Focus commissioning editor Jason Goodyerspeaks to David Halpern, Chief Executive of The Behavioural Insights Team, about nudge theory – a psychological tool used in behavioural science to subtly influence people'sdecisions.

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