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The London Fatberg

How the Museum of London acquired a piece of the London Fatberg and keep it “fresh”, and we talk to author Catherine Price about the science that inspired her to break up with her phone.

Published: February 12, 2018 at 12:00 am

Last September, Thames Water made a startling discovery. Lurking in the sewers beneath Whitechapel was a monstrous ‘fatberg’ – a 130-tonne blob of raw sewage. Now, the Museum of London isputting it on display. We asked Sharon Robinson-Calver, Head of Conservation and Collection Care at the museum, how they made it happen.

We alsochat to Catherine Price, who in her new book,How To Break Up With Your Phone, looks at what the latest research says how addictive your smartphone and tabletscan be, and how apps and social networks are designed to keep us hooked. And if that gets you looking at your phone differently, she has a digestible 30-day plan, that will help you identify bad habits, tidy up your apps to make them less addictive, and enable you to become more mindful of your phone to stop it sucking up your precious time.

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