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David Adam: Adventures in brain enhancement

We chat to author David Adam about his adventures in brain enhancement, finding out whether smart drugs and electrical brain stimulation could really be a shortcut to a sharper, more focused mind.

Published: March 9, 2018 at 12:00 am

In this episode we delve into the world of cognitive enhancement.

There’s a growing community of people out there who are attempting to boost their brain power by taking smart drugs and zapping their brains with electricity. In his new book,The Genius Within, David Adam turns human guinea pig and tries out some of these mind hacks for himself, taking the smart drug modafinil and stimulating his brain with electricity.

Along the way, he attempts to cheat his way into Mensa, and asks what it’ll mean for society if these kinds of brain enhancers one day become widespread.

He speaks toBBC Focusmagazinestaff writer James Lloyd.

Disclaimer: doctors recommend that you do not take modafinil without an official prescription, and scientists still do not know what the long-term impacts of electrical brain stimulation could be.

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