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Angela Saini: Inequality in science

We talk to Angela Saini about the science of gender and race, and about how to even the playing field.

Published: July 25, 2018 at 11:00 pm

For every Rosalind Franklin, there are countless other male scientists who have taken the limelight, but even in this modern era where gender equality is at the forefront of our minds, women are still underrepresented in labs across many scientific disciplines.

But what does science tell us about the minds and bodies of women? And is there any biological justification for the division of labour that’s historically been present between the sexes?

In this week’s podcast, Angela Saini, author of the book Inferior: How science got women wrong(£9.99, Fourth Estate), discusses the biases in gender science that we need to be aware of, as well as the other form of inequality creeping back into mainstream science – race.

She speaks to BBC Focus Magazine editorial assistant Helen Glenny.

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