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Instant Genius Podcast: The origins of religion, with Robin Dunbar

Robin Dunbar, a professor of evolutionary psychology, joins us on our podcasts, Instant Genius and Instant Genius Extra.

Published: April 25, 2022 at 8:06 am

Instant Genius is a bite-sized masterclass in podcast form. In this week's episode, we talk to Prof Robin Dunbar.

He's an anthropologist and evolutionary psychologist at the University of Oxford, and author of the new book How Religion Evolved And Why It Endures (£22, Pelican).

He talks about the evolution of religion, its origins and its future.

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And if that's not enough, you can hear even more from Robin on Instant Genius Extra.

On this subscription-only show, available on Apple Podcasts, we take a deeper dive into the topics covered onInstant Genius. In this episode, Robin digs deeper into how spirituality weaves its magic on our brains.

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