Can we slow down the ageing process? – Sue Armstrong

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Can we slow down the ageing process? – Sue Armstrong

How and why do we age? What can be done to slow the ageing process, and how do we improve our health spans, rather than our life spans?

Published: March 21, 2019 at 12:00 am

As every second ticks by, one inevitable fact of life is that all of us are getting older. But as our knowledge of the human body improves, and with advances in medicine keeping us fitter and healthier for longer, the size of the ageing population is rising.

In fact, the very elderly are now the fastest growing segment of the population. Along with this have come huge advances in the field of gerontology, the study of ageing, which Sue Armstrong explores in her new book, Borrowed Time.

In this episode of the Science Focus Podcast, Helen Glenny,BBC Science Focuseditorial assistant, talks to her about why we age - from evolution’s abandonment of us once we’ve served our reproductive purpose, to the aspects of our modern lifestyles that are speeding the ageing process - she explains what scientists are doing to slow or even reverse time, and whether we can expect to start using any of these interventions anytime soon.

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