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Instant Genius: Corals, with Dr Jamie Craggs

Coral expert Dr Jamie Craggs joins us on our podcasts, Instant Genius and Instant Genius Extra.

Published: April 11, 2022 at 6:00 am

Instant Genius is a bite-sized masterclass in podcast form. In this week's episode, we talk to Dr Jamie Craggs.

He's the Aquarium Curator at the Horniman Museum & Gardens, London, and founder of Project Coral, a research project focused on developing techniques to induce coral spawning events in closed system aquariums.

Jamie tells us all about the biology of corals and reveals why they are so important for the planet.

FindInstant Genius on your preferred podcast platform here: instantgenius.podlink.to/Podcast

And if that's not enough, you can hear even more from Jamie on Instant Genius Extra.

On this subscription-only show, available on Apple Podcasts, we take a deeper dive into the topics covered onInstant Genius. In this episode, Jamie delves into the complicated reproduction of corals, and explains how this can help us develop ways to conserve them.

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